
CAPER conference 2025 Dublin

Thursday 8 May 2025, 9:30am - Friday 9 May 2025, 2:30pm
at Wynn's Hotel Dublin, Dublin 1
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CAPER 2025 is the annual meeting/conference of the Community of Air Pollution Effects Researchers, and will be held from 8th to 9th May 2025 in Dublin. It is organised by UKCEH, with local support kindly provided by Dáithí Kelleghan, from the Environmental Protection Agency, and Thomas Cummins and Tom Curran from University College Dublin. We aim to have a full day of talks on Thursday 8th May (starting at about 9.30), and a field visit with discussion sessions on Friday 9th May (ending by about 2.30).

Presentations are welcome on all topics related to air pollution impacts, and it is anticipated that sessions will include ‘air pollution impacts on ecosystems’ and ‘Policy regulation of air pollution impacts on ecosystems’.

This is an in-person event, with attendance limited to 100 people. Allocation will be on a first-come first-served basis, with a waiting list if capacity is exceeded.

You will receive an automated booking confirmation that also acts as your invoice. (please check your Spam/ junk folder)


Booking Options

Name Price Quantity
Whole meeting. Day 1 + Day 2,

includes dinner on Day 1 and field trip on Day 2.

Day 1 only. Includes evening dinner

includes conference dinner

Day 1 only.

EXCLUDING evening dinner

Whole meeting. Day 1 + Day 2 (Student and unwaged)

includes conference dinner and field trip

Day 1 only (Student and unwaged)

Includes evening dinner

Day 1 only (Student and unwaged)

EXCLUDES evening dinner

Keynote Speaker only


Wynn's Hotel Dublin, Dublin 1

Contact the Organiser